Poultry Farming: Business Plan And Guide For Beginners

Poultry farming is a very old and traditional business in many countries around the world. It is a very easy but highly profitable business, and anyone can start this business.

Actually, poultry farming means ‘raising various types of domestic birds commercially for the purpose of meat, eggs and feather production’.

The most common and widely raised poultry birds are chickens. About 5k million chickens are being raised every year as a source of food (both meat and eggs of chicken).

The chickens which are raised for eggs are called layer chicken, and the chickens which are raised for their meat production are called broiler chickens.

United Kingdom and United States consume more meat and eggs of chicken than other countries of the world. On an average the UK alone consumes more than 29 million chicken eggs everyday.

Commercial poultry farming is very necessary to meet up the demand of animal nutrition (eggs and meat). Commercial poultry farming is also very profitable. And commercial poultry farming business is one of the traditional business ventures.

Here we are trying to describe more about the advantages of poultry farming business and the steps for running this business.

What Is Poultry Farming?

Poultry farming means ‘raising various types of domestic birds commercially for the purpose of meat, eggs and feather production

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How to Start Poultry Farming Business?

As we have mentioned above, starting poultry farming business is very easy and simple. Even the beginners can start this business. But you should complete a training before starting this business commercially.

You will be successful in this business and be able to make good profits if you follow good rearing methods. Here we are trying to describe more about starting and operating a successful poultry farming business from purchasing birds to caring and marketing.

Step 1: Learn Practically

First of all, try to learn practically about this business. You can have practical experience from any of your nearest poultry farms. Having practical knowledge is very important for running a successful farm. Try to visit as many farms as you can for learning practically and gathering experience.

Step 2: Complete Training

Completing a training will be beneficial for you, especially if you are a beginner. You can complete training from any of your nearest agriculture extension office, agricultural collages or universities.

The egg-laying birds lays more eggs in warmer months than the colder months. So, keeping the temperature of the room moderate will be very helpful for better egg production.

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Step 3: Make A Business Plan

A good and effective business plan helps to start and operate a successful poultry farming business. So, try to make a good business plan and try to include everything in the plan from starting to marketing. You can ask for help from an expert for making the business plan, especially if you are a beginner.

Step 4: Select a Good Location

Select your desired area for starting your poultry farming business. For commercial production, try to select the land far from residential areas.

Calm, noise and pollution free place will be very good for better production. Ensure water, electricity and good transportation system. Because all these are very important for good production and maximum profits.

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Step 5: Determine The Products

Determining the products is also very important before starting this business. You can start your poultry farm for producing different products such as eggs, meat, feathers etc.

Try to emphasis your local market demand while determining the products. Poultry eggs and meat are common products, and both have good market demand and value.

Step 6: Choose Right Breed for Your Business

There are some popular and mostly raised poultry birds. Among them chickens, turkeys, quails etc. are mostly raised poultry birds.

If you are willing to start with chickens, then you can choose either meat or egg laying breeds. If you want to produce eggs then the good breeds are Rhode Island Red, Leghorn, Sussex, Ancona, Plymouth Rock, Hamburg and some hybrids.

But if you want to produce meat, then you have to select the best broiler breeds. Some popular and common broiler chicken breeds are Cornish, Cornish Cross, Jersey Giant, Freedom Rangers, Orpington, Buckeye, Brown Leghorn, Dorking, Brahma etc.

If you want to raise turkeys, then some popular turkey breeds are Bourbon Reds, Narragansetts, Royal Palm, Broad-Breasted Whites, Standard Bronze and White, White Hollands etc.

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Japanese, Tuxedo, Pharaoh, British Range, English White and Manchurian Golden are some very good quail breeds.

If you want to raise ducks, then Indian Runner, Khaki Campbell, Buff, Welsh Harlequin, Ancona and Magpie are some great duck breeds for eggs production. And some popular meat duck breeds are Aylesbury, Pekin, Muscovy etc.

Arabian (Middle Eastern), Black Necked (Southern or Cape), Blue-necked (Somali), Masai (Kenyan Red) and Red necked (North African) are some common ostrich breeds.

If you want to start your poultry production with pigeons, then some popular pigeon breeds are Archangel, Barb, Cameau, Carrier, Cumulet, Dragoon, Fantail, Florentine, Ice, King, Magpie, Maltese, Modena, Oriental Frill and Tumblers.

If you want to start peafowl production business, then the choices are Indian Peacock, Green Peacock, Congo Peacock etc.

You can select any type of poultry bird depending on the availability in your area. Chickens are the most common and popular birds. And meat and eggs of chicken have very good demand and value in the market.

Step 7: Purchase Birds

After selecting the right poultry breed, you have to purchase good quality and healthy birds. Try to purchase birds from any of your nearest hatcheries or breeders. Purchase healthy and active birds for your farm.

Step 8: Ensure Good Housing Facilities

Good and suitable housing play a vital role in raising all types of poultry birds. Some birds grow and live happily in the floor, and some birds grow well in cages.

layer poultry, layer chicken farming, poultry farming, layer poultry farming, poultry rearing, commercial poultry farming, poultry farming for beginners, poultry farming business plan

Depending on the birds, you have to make a suitable house for your birds and ensure availability of all types of necessary facilities for them. Consider the following aspects while building houses for your poultry birds.

  1. Always keep sufficient space inside your poultry house, depending on the number of birds. Enough space will help your birds to live, grow and produce happily. Never overcrowded the poultry house with too many birds.
  2. Good ventilation system is a must. Ensure that your poultry house is well ventilated.
  3. You also have to ensure sufficient flow of fresh air and light inside the house.
  4. If you go for commercial production, keep proper distance between one house to another house.
  5. Clean the house and equipment on a regular basis. Sterilize the house before bringing new chicks into your farm.
  6. Take necessary steps for preventing all types of predators and harmful animals.
  7. Make a fence around your farm area.
  8. Make good temperature management system so that your birds do not suffer by excessive heat or cold.
  9. Make suitable drainage system inside the house for cleaning it properly.
  10. Making poultry houses in calm and quite place is always a good idea. Because quiet place play a very important role in production.

Step 9: Ensure Nutritious Feeding & Enough Watering

Feeding the birds with very good quality and nutritious food is the most important part of successful poultry farming business. Because, feeding the birds high quality, fresh and nutritious food always ensure good health, proper growth and high production. So, always feed your poultry birds healthy and nutritious feeds. Add all types of necessary vitamins and minerals to their feed.

Commercial poultry feeds for various types of birds are available in the market. You can easily feed this type of ready-made feed to your birds. Along with feeding your birds high quality and nutritious feeds, always serve them sufficient amount of fresh and clean water according to their demand.

layer poultry, layer chicken farming, poultry farming, layer poultry farming, poultry rearing, commercial poultry farming, poultry farming for beginners, poultry farming business plan

Step 10: Breeding is Also Important

Most of the poultry birds are naturally very good breeders. They will breed easily and produce fertile eggs if you keep good ratio of males and females.

Most of the commercial producers used to purchase chicks from the chick suppliers. So, you can avoid breeding if you purchase chicks from the breeders or suppliers. But, you can also start a poultry breeding business if you want to start chick supply business.

Step 11: Ensure Proper Care and Management

Always take good care of your birds. Learn more about various types of poultry diseases, symptoms and treatment. Vaccinate the birds timely. Provide them nutritious feed and clean water. Clean their house on a regular basis. Try to make a stock of some required drugs. And always try to keep good contact with a vet in your area.

Step 12: Marketing

Marketing process of various types of poultry products is very easy. Poultry products have a huge demand and value globally. So you don’t have to worry about marketing your products. You can easily sell your farm products in your local market or big supermarkets.

Finally, we can say poultry farming is absolutely easy and a very popular and profitable business idea. If you are thinking about setting up a poultry farm, then read and learn as much as possible about poultry farming before starting. You can visit some of your nearest farms. And consult with some existing farmers who are already raising various types of poultry birds.

These are the steps and ways for starting and operating a successful poultry farming business. Hope this guide has helped you! Good luck and may God bless you!

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